Two student-led sustainability initiatives were approved by the board during the final week of school.

Last year, Ms Tieger’s Green Team made a presentation to the Board regarding biodiversity, and the ways in which humans threaten biodiversity. As part of that presentation, the Green Team asked that IMS place a portion of the school’s 600 acres into a conservation easement.

A conservation easement is a legally binding commitment that IMS would make to never build upon this land so that it can be preserved as a natural habit for plants, insects & animals.

Board president, David Nuzum, announced during this year’s annual Prize Day celebration that the board has approved the students’ proposal. In the coming weeks, the board will work to finalize the scope of the land to be placed into a conservation easement, while also identifying the local conservation organization that will partner with the school to protect this land.

In addition to the Green Team’s initiative, Mr. Nuzum also announced that the Board heard from representatives of Ms Friel’s 7th grade Sustainability Class just the week prior.

These students described the many factors contributing to climate change globally, and the impact of climate change on humans and other life on our planet. They also described ways in which IMS contributes to climate change and ways both big and small that we could act to reduce our carbon footprint.

Members of the 7th grade Sustainability Class asked that IMS dedicate $5,000 of its operating budget to student-led Sustainability projects.

Based on the very passionate and persuasive presentation made by the class, The Board was pleased to approve the class’s request and will dedicate $5,000 from the operating budget for this purpose. The Board also agreed to review future student proposals for larger projects that may be funded by the school or through grant funding.

The Board of Trustees is grateful to these two student groups for demonstrating their leadership and helping IMS work towards a more sustainable future.