Lucy Dong
- Global Languages
- Student Support
- Upper Campus
- 860-435-0871
In the fall of 2019, Lucy Dong’s diverse academic and cultural journey brought her to Indian Mountain School where she teaches Mandarin Chinese on the Upper Campus. Lucy grew up in Kunming, a southwestern city of China, where she received her bachelor’s degree in English Education and her first master’s degree in Chinese Linguistics from Yunnan Normal University. Ms. Dong went on to teach Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language for nineteen years. Her instructional experience includes Chinese language and cultural courses at the university level; she has worked at Saint Michael’s College in Vermont, The University of Vermont, the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London, and Yunnan Normal University in China. Ms. Dong obtained her second master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from Saint Michael’s College in the summer of 2019. In her spare time, Lucy loves cycling, hiking, and playing tennis. Her interests include painting, writing Chinese calligraphy, playing the Chinese harp, and presenting the tea ceremony as well as flower arrangements.