The entire Indian Mountain School community is deeply concerned with allegations brought forth by alumni who attended the school in the 1970s and ’80s. Our first and greatest priority must always be the safety and welfare of the students in our care. No child should ever be subjected to mistreatment. So, while it is difficult for us now to contemplate how any adult could violate this fundamental principle given our present community, we are committed to our alumni from decades ago.

When allegations were first made more than 20 years ago concerning that prior time period, the school responded to individual allegations as each arose. However, as a Board of Trustees, and parents of current students who believe deeply in this institution, we now intend to address these long past issues comprehensively, and to move forward as a community together.

To that end, the Board of Trustees has retained independent legal counsel to conduct a complete investigation and to report back to the Board regarding what happened, and how best to respect and support any alumni who may have been harmed. The investigation will be led by Connecticut-based attorneys Morgan Rueckert and Jim Bergenn of the law firm Shipman & Goodwin. Mr. Rueckert and Mr. Bergenn have extensive experience handling this type of investigation, and we have confidence in their integrity, sensitivity, and judgment.

We invite any alumni or other past or present members of the community with any relevant information to contact the Head of School ( or (860) 435-0871) or Shipman & Goodwin ( or (860) 251-5821). We hope to hear directly from any alumni affected by these allegations, to listen to any information you are willing to share, and to offer any other direct support you may need.

We are grateful for all of the warm, generous, and heartfelt support for Indian Mountain School, and for all of you who make our school such a special place for our children to live, grow, and learn.

Mark A. Devey
Head of School

Maria Horn
President of the Board of Trustees