So, Burke, what did you learn?

So, Burke, what did you learn?

“When Mr. Harris told us that we were going to the Adirondacks I really wasn’t sure what to think. The drive there was four hours, but it felt like two because we just talked the whole ride there. As we arrived at the campsite and we were told that my group was going to stay in a lean-to I was pumped. The hikes were tough, but views at the peak made every step worth it. The good thing about camping is that it creates a desire to try new things. I learned to like oatmeal, meatballs, and I even ate a turkey sandwich. I am really picky with my food so trying new things was a big deal for me. At the end of the day, there is nothing quite like relaxing in your sleeping bag and talking with friends under the stars. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot over the course of three days and think this experience opened new doors for me in many ways.”

Part 1 can be found here. Stay tuned for Part 3 where we will hear from Sarah. In the meantime, check out the photos from the trip!