So, Sarah, what did you learn?

So, Sarah, what did you learn?

“I honestly thought that the trip was going to be boring, but I was very wrong. I had an amazing time and made so many memories with my group. It was the moments where we all laughed and where the trees sang that made me really appreciate what this school has brought to me. When we all swam in the 50 degree lake and laughed about it was when I knew that this is where I have always wanted to be. When we all sat together by the fire at night it felt special to me because I have never been apart of something so unique. The second night we couldn’t sleep so Phoebe, Patsy, and I played games where we laughed so hard we couldn’t breathe. I learned that you get to know who someone really is when you sleep in the same tent as them, when you laugh with them, and when you roast marshmallows with them. I not only learned survival tips but how it feels to be alive.
I wish we didn’t leave because the woods is the most peaceful place on earth and with the right people it can be the best place on earth. I gained a new understanding and appreciation for our faculty guides, Mr. Harris and Mr. Visockis. I loved everyone in our group and Mr. Harris made sure that we challenged ourselves while having a blast.”
Read Part 1
Read Part 2
Photos from the trip can be found here.