After graduating from Indian Mountain, Jay attended Mount Saint Charles Academy in Woonsocket, Rhode Island before doing a PG year at Millbrook School. He went to Bryant University where he studied Communications and was a member of the varsity men’s ice hockey team. After graduating with his B.A. in 2014, he moved to Minnesota and then to Illinois while working for the Boston Beer Company. Jay recently moved back to Connecticut and is now working for MillerCoors Brewing Company and is happy to be home. In the words of Jason, “Go Gray!”

After graduating from Indian Mountain, Jay attended Mount Saint Charles Academy in Woonsocket, Rhode Island before doing a PG year at Millbrook School. He went to Bryant University where he studied Communications and was a member of the varsity men’s ice hockey team. After graduating with his B.A. in 2014, he moved to Minnesota and then to Illinois while working for the Boston Beer Company. Jay recently moved back to Connecticut and is now working for MillerCoors Brewing Company and is happy to be home. In the words of Jason, “Go Gray!”

What is the best advice you ever received?
The best advice I have ever received wasn’t given to me directly but was something I read, and that is “success is never owned, it’s rented. And the rent is due every day.” I like the meaning behind this and it holds true in anything you are trying to accomplish.

If you could have an unlimited stockpile of one thing, what would you choose?
My typical answer to this would be money, because with an unlimited stockpile of money then you could have an unlimited stockpile of anything. However, if money is not an option, I would have to go with peanut butter!

What is the most memorable book that you read while a student at IMS?
The Odyssey is a classic but I’d also say anything we read in Mr. Richmond’s ancient civilizations class.

What is the best meal that you’ve ever had on vacation?
I had red snapper one time in Aruba that was cooked whole and the chef came out to the table and filleted it right there. He put this amazing glaze on it and it was easily the best fish I have ever had. That was one that stands out.

What is your favorite song in your music library right now?
I don’t really listen to music all that much, I’m usually listening to a podcast or a sports radio station. Looking through my music, my most recently played song is Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran.