After IMS, Rafa Yturbe went back home to Mexico City to finish high school. He then went on to study International Affairs at Universidad Iberoamericana followed by Business Administration at Universidad Anahuac, both in Mexico City. In 2009, Rafa went to London to do an Art and Its Markets program at the Sotheby’s Institute of Art. This was a life changer for Rafa because it was after going to London that he decided to work at his mother’s art gallery in Mexico City. Founded in 1935, it is the oldest gallery in Mexico. Rafa got married to Monna Lisa Becerra on May 6, 2017, and together they have a beautiful girl Border Collie named Akela who was actually born on 5 de Mayo 2017!!! Lastly, Rafa would like to say, “GO MAROON, GO FALCONS!!!”

What is the best advice you ever received?
“The easiest way to do something is doing it the right way from the beginning.” This advice was given to me by my father. What he was trying to say is that if you do anything in your life then do it well and the right way from the start then you won´t have to do it again in order to get the same outcome.

If you could have an unlimited stockpile of one thing what would you choose?
I am not sure I´d like to have an unlimited stockpile of anything. I think when you have too much of anything it loses its “specialness.” If I HAD to choose, then I guess you can never have too many friends … or MONEY!

What is the most memorable book that you read while a student at IMS?
It was assigned to us by Mr. Robus, and the name of the book is Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat … I believe a movie came out, I have to look for it.

What is the best meal that you’ve ever had on vacation?
During our honeymoon in Africa, I got to try many new things like crocodile or other animals from the area, but there was this seared Kudu fillet with crushed sweet potato and rosemary garlic sauce at a hotel called Jamala Madikwe Royal Safari Lodge, that was unbelievable. Also, we were in NYC for Christmas last December and I had the best burger ever, the beef had been aged for 60 days! I had it at a little restaurant called Beatrice Inn.

What is your favorite song in your music library right now?
My favorite song right now and ever is “Like a Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan, I particularly like the MTV Unplugged version of it.