The 11th annual By Kids for Kids Musical Benefit Concert took place on Friday, March 23 and raised $1344.00 for the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.  Students and faculty showcased their talent as 28 different acts with performers ranging from PreK through ninth took the stage. 

For the first time we had a special speaker join us this year.  Alan Kinsella, a senior at the University of Connecticut, has worked as a volunteer at The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp since 2009, and is now a Unit Leader at the camp during the summer.  He shared his experiences at the camp and presented an excellent slide show.  The Hole in the Wall Camp, located in Ashford, CT, was founded by Paul Newman in 1988 and named for the secret hiding place of outlaws in Butch Cassidy and the Sundace Kid.  All proceeds raised at By Kids for Kids Musical Benefit Concert go toward sending a sick child with cancer to camp for one week.  Since this fundraiser began, we have helped send six seriously ill children to one week of camp for free.  The cost of the camp is approximately $2500 per week.

Many thanks go out to all who participated, including the Community Service students who helped with the event, all the music teachers, the administration, faculty, and staff who assisted throughout the evening.  Many thanks to all of the bakers and to those who helped sell the goodies that night.

Our thanks for all your support,
Sheryl Knapp and Cecilia Marshall
Community Service Advisors