It is with great excitement that we celebrate the arrival of big machinery on the Upper Campus for the first time in eight years, as our new faculty housing/dormitory project gets underway. The facility will include a three-bedroom house, two two-bedroom condominiums and six dorm rooms, which will house twelve boarding students. The new “green” building will face Indian Mountain, running along the sideline of the Bears and Bobcats’ athletic field, creating a courtyard between Doolittle and Stockton dormitories. In addition, we are renovating Doolittle Dormitory and creating a new entrance to the school campus in order to improve access to the athletic fields and dormitories. The road will enter the grounds beyond the admissions parking lot and loop between the tennis courts and Stockton Dormitory. The present entrance beyond the tennis courts that winds through the faculty cottages will eventually be closed to remove traffic from the faculty residences.

In order to begin the Upper Campus transformation, the playground will be moved closer to the gymnasium. In addition to tackling these capital projects, we are also required to replace our old septic system and add another to accommodate the new facility. All of these projects are scheduled to be completed in the early fall.

We will be photographing the construction progress, so check back for updates to the photo gallery.

Mark A. Devey