The longest and most challenging of the wilderness trips offered at Indian Mountain, the eighth grade trip into the White Mountains of New Hampshire is found by many students to be the most rewarding as well. In the fall, the entire eighth grade takes two days away from the academic classroom setting to experience some of the best hiking that the east coast has to offer.

The first night in New Hampshire is spent together as an entire class. Indian Mountain Adventure leaders instruct students and select faculty members in wilderness skill building. Everything from appropriate disposal of waste to navigation by map is instructed by experienced outdoor guides.

The following morning, students depart in groups of 8-10 on to various trailheads, each led by one member of Indian Mountain School’s faculty, and one wilderness guide. Rain and even snow have not kept our hardy students from venturing out for two days and two nights on the trails. Students work together to set up camp, cook food, and hike up peaks reaching upwards of 5000ft.

After our return from the trails, students have a chance to meet back up as a group to dry off and share stories of their experiences. Though some are tired, all come back with smiles on their faces and great adventures to share.