The Eighth Grade Wilderness Trip started off on the morning of Thursday, September 25, departing for base camp in Williamsburg, MA. Here, students split into smaller groups, each with an outdoor education facilitator and Indian Mountain School faculty member, who helped them set up campsites. That afternoon, half of the class participated in water activities including kayaking, canoeing, and fishing, while the other half of the class went on a rock climb.

On Friday, September 26, the entire class departed camp for Mount Monadnock in southern New Hampshire. Students spent the entire day hiking the mountain, enjoying the views, and eating lunch on the summit as a class, afterwards they returned to the campsites for dinner and evening activities.
On Saturday, those students who had participated in water activities experienced the rock climb, and vice versa. Upon the conclusion of these activities, students broke down their campsites, boarded the school bus, and returned to Indian Mountain School.
The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed the teambuilding experience!