The elective program at Indian Mountain School provides our students with an opportunity to explore subjects outside of the core classes. Starting in seventh grade, students are able to choose classes based on their personal interests or simply to broaden their knowledge and appreciation of the world that exists outside their comfort zones. Elective classes run two times per week and include various types of art, music, drama, film, photography, sports, or other areas of specialty represented by the faculty. Students may take two electives per term. The program gives students the opportunity to be exposed to a wide range of experiences that they may want to pursue in the future. The classes are designed to be fun, engaging, and to encourage creative exploration.

Fall electives included golf, film, stone carving, chess, and more. A few new electives offered this winter include ski racing, wood carving, and improvisation in music.

For questions about the program, contact Kati Frisina.