Indian Mountain School celebrated Priscilla Wolf for her 25 years of service to the school at a Falcon Recognition Breakfast. Priscilla also received the John Spofford Award at the graduation ceremony in June 2016. The John S. W. Spofford Award for service to Indian Mountain School is given in honor of John Spofford, a former president of the board; his passion and devotion to Indian Mountain School helped bring us to our present strong reputation.

Priscilla has been a passionate advocate for IMS students for 25 years as the Director of Academic Support and Head of the Harris Library. Many IMS graduates and students have found academic success for the first time at IMS because of Priscilla’s support and guidance and tireless efforts on their behalf. She does this work not for personal gain and glory, but because she cares deeply about our students and their success.

Priscilla is also a teacher of teachers. Head of School Jody Soja stated at graduation, “I am certain that I would not have remained in education without Priscilla’s guidance and support for me as a first-year teacher at IMS. She was one of my greatest teachers. She showed me how to support and nurture students in my classroom and unlock their potential. She helped me to fall in love with teaching, the way she has helped countless students fall in love with learning. She is a wealth of knowledge about how learning happens and what support our students need to be successful. She does not believe any child incapable of finding success and she never wants to hear any student described as lazy–a testament to her unfailing belief in the capacity and desire for students to thrive and succeed at our school. All of our students have benefitted from Priscilla’s advocacy, devotion, and care. For that we are deeply grateful.”

Priscilla Wolf graduated from The Walnut Hill School in 1964 and received a B.A. from The University of Pennsylvania in 1968. She went on to receive an M.S. from Central Connecticut State University in Reading and Language Arts. She also completed two levels of Orton-Gillingham training in order to teach remedial reading and writing. Priscilla has been in education for the last 30 years, either as a classroom teacher or a tutor. She is Director of Academic Support and also Head of the Harris Library. Priscilla is an advisor, a member of the Curriculum Committee and the Student Support Team. She is married to Peter Wolf and is the mother of three grown children. She is also a certified yoga instructor and offers classes at IMS and in the Berkshires.