IMS once again offered the Fast Start Program for day students entering grades 5 through 9 over the two weeks from August 18 to 29. The program ran from 9:00 a.m. through 12:00 p.m. each weekday, taking place on our Upper Campus.
The curriculum included a review of past concepts and an introduction to new concepts as preparation for the coming school year, tailored as much as possible to the individual needs and interests of the attendees. 

More than 30 students took advantage of this year’s Fast Start program. It was a great opportunity for fifth graders and other new students who enrolled in the program to become familiar with the Upper Campus, brush up on academic skills, meet some of their teachers and classmates, and begin the transition to the Middle School.
Curriculum offerings for all grades included reading, writing, and math support, organizational preparation, study skills enhancement, and Latin review. Our tutors for the two-week program represented a cross-section of the Indian Mountain faculty, each specializing in a particular subject area. Sarah Bonk, Colleen Schopp, Tammy Decker, and Nicole Dreyfus provided math support in skill-based groups. Jess Metcalf, Juliana Pecchia, Cecelia Marshall, and Priscilla Wolf covered different levels of reading, writing, organizational, and study skills support. Jay Barillaro helped strengthen students’ Latin and math skills.
Each day students also had time to enjoy the late summer air out on Stockton Field and on the playground. Both students and teachers reported that the program was just what they needed to enter the new school year confident and well prepared!