The spirits of IMS emerged onto campus this morning from the pre-dawn light. Goblins and witches mingled with pirates and fairies, while Greek Gods taught the sixth grade class.

Creative costumes punctuated the Halloween spirit as well as each student’s individuality. Students were greeted this morning by Head of School Mark Devey, aka. Mr. Incredible, accompanied by Riggs as Batman. All members of the IMS community delighted in the revelry of the Halloween season and the opportunity to showcase their costumes for trick or treating a few days early.

Lower Campus students organized a special, spooky parade on Friday afternoon. Parents enjoyed the opportunity to take pictures and to “Ooh” and “Ahh” at all the delightful costumes on display. After the parade, students celebrated back in their classrooms with special Halloween snacks.

It was a festive and joyous celebration in keeping with the Halloween and IMS community spirit!