Ninth grader Min Chan Kim placed first in the state of Connecticut on the American Mathematics Contest 10 taken by students in grades 10 and under.

Talented math students from IMS participated in the American Mathematics Contest 10 (AMC10) and came away with multiple accolades. IMS sent 11 of its top math students to The Hotchkiss School at the end of winter to take the AMC10 test for grades 10 and under. Eighth graders Jo Kim, Alex Li, and Bryant Jung received Certificates of Achievement for scoring a 90 or above on the test. Ninth grader MinChan Kim received a plaque for scoring first place in the state of Connecticut on the AMC10 test. Min Chan advanced to the next test level, the American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME). In a letter to Min Chan from the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, they wrote, “We send our congratulations to you for your outstanding performance on the 2012 American Mathematics Contest 10. Your first place ranking among all the participating students in your state is truly an outstanding accomplishment.”

IMS Math Chair Sheryl Knapp recognized the students in a morning assembly and presented Min Chan with his plaque. We wish them all continued success in all future mathematical endeavors.