The spring break service trip has become an annual opportunity for our students to not only explore and connect to different cultures, but also to bring to life our motto, life through service. This year, our students traveled to Cuba. Below is the travel journal from their time in Havana, Trinidad, and Cienfuegos. For photos from the trip, head over to Flickr.

Cuba Service Trip
February 26

“We are happy to report that the group has arrived safe and sound in Havana, Cuba. They met their tour manager, Fausto, and their Cuban Guide, Abde. They are off to explore Havana.”

February 27

The group visited the community art program Muraleando and helped clear an area for the next art installation. They also visited the arts neighborhood of Fusterlandia and enjoyed a special performance at the local jazz club.

February 28

The group spent time at the organoponico (City Farm), performing preparing garden beds for planting. They learned about how these farms work and the history about why the government started the initiative in the 1990s.

Following their time at the organoponico, they visited “Cuba Libro,” where the founder spoke about his experience as a US citizen in Cuba and led a discussion with students about their expectations prior to traveling to Cuba. Students were then matched with four young Cuban teenagers to discuss a range of topics.

March 1

While visiting a local high school, they spent time with students learning about the education system in Cuba. In the afternoon, they had a tour of Havana and learned about the colonial history of the city. In the evening, they enjoyed a performance by members of the Buena Vista Social Club.

March 2

The group traveled to Cienfuegos, toured the city, and enjoyed a performance by the municipal choir. They then traveled to Trinidad and settled in for the night.

March 3

The group spent the day exploring and touring Trinidad prior to returning to Havana.

March 4

Upon returning to Havana, the group spent one final day together before returning home.

For photos from the trip, head over to Flickr.