On May 24, 2012 nine films were featured in the the IndiMountain Film Festival. The festival showcases videos produced in Ms. Jadow’s Film Elective, which is a hands-on course introducing students to the technology, art, and craft of filmmaking.

Through the years the IndiMountain Film Festival has hosted such esteemed guests as John G. Avildsen ’51, Jim Becket ’51, Campbell Scott, Kristen Johnston, Mamie Gummer ’98 and past parents Ed Herrmann and Natasha Richardson. This year’s speaker was Carla Frankenbach ’08. Carla discovered filmmaking as an eighth grader here at IMS. After winning a short screenplay competition, she earned the opportunity to make her film with Oscar winner John G. Avildsen ’51. Now a senior at The Hotchkiss School, Carla has continued her love of filmmaking and was instrumental in developing the Hotchkiss Film Festival. Next year, she is off to the University of Southern California as a film production major in the School of Cinematic Arts. 

The student shorts included:

Day of Silence, by Za Floyd, a short documentary about what it was like here on campus when IMS participated in the National Day of Silence, a day of action in which students across the country vow to take a form of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools.

Degree, a humorous spoof on a men’s deodorant commercial.

Jimmy’s Bad Day, a very quick look at how many things can go wrong during the course of a school day.

Kelsie’s Dream, a student’s surreal dream that leaves the audience questioning reality.

Math Moshpit, a tongue in cheek look at what happens when the teacher leaves the room.

Maroon vs. Gray, a spirited look at the rivalry between the two IMS teams.

Beautiful Day, a short stop-motion project comprised of more than 500 photographs of a student waking up and beginning his day.

Distracted Driving, a cautionary tale espousing the DOs and DON’Ts of safe driving habits.

Also on the big screen were a ukulele themed music video, Buttercup, by Spanish teacher T. B. McGlone, who also teaches the ukulele elective, and Ms. Molyneux & Ms. Bonk’s travelogue of the IMS 2012 service trip to Ecuador.