The National Latin Exam, sponsored by the American Classical League and the National Junior Classical League, is a multiple-choice test offered to students on seven levels. On the Introduction to Latin, Latin I, and Latin II exams, there are questions on grammar, comprehension, mythology, derivatives, literature, Roman life, history, geography, oral Latin, and Latin in use in the modern world.
The philosophy of the National Latin Exam is predicated on providing every Latin student the opportunity to experience a sense of personal accomplishment and success in his or her study of the Latin language and culture. The basic purposes of the NLE are to promote the study of Latin and to encourage the individual student.

The National Association of Secondary School Principals has voted to place the National Latin Exam on the Advisory List of National Contests and Activities for 2013-2014.  This year, the exam was taken by over 140,000 students in over 25 countries.

More than 20 IMS students received certificates of recognition for their performance on the exams, and eighth grader Annabelle Burns achieved a perfect score. According to the National Latin Exam Committee, “Only 1,833 students out of over 140,000 who participated in the entire United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Guam, England, Italy, Poland, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, France, Oman, Philippines, Spain, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Zimbabwe, and the Netherlands attained this distinction.” Congratulations to Annabelle and the rest of our students for their successes and to their teachers, Jason Barillaro, Sam Decock, and Tom Pastore.

Guadeamus igitur!

Latin IA
Fiona Logan-Sankey
Henry Wang
Yann Doucet
Fito Herrera Del Valle
Henry Quinn
Yuan Xiao Wu
Phoebe Torres
Tobey Smith
Harry Lee
Anna Douglas

Latin IB
Annabelle Burns
Katharine Namon
Maggie Zhu
Allison Kohlkins
Egun Im
Emerson Guo
Sawyer Bush
Whit Yerkes

Latin II
Nate Smith
Kevin Tamarima
Ian Heissenbuttel