The entire ninth grade met in the assembly hall for its annual Middle East Summit. The Summit is a culmination of two weeks of research that the students have done on a Middle Eastern country in their Ancient Civilizations classes. The countries
represented at the summit included Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Turkey. and Saudi Arabia.

The four questions that each country had to answer were:
1. What happens to Jerusalem? (Who should control it? A country or countries? International City?)
2. What should be done with Palestinian Refugees?
3. What should be done with the borders of the West Bank?
4. What about the right of return? (Palestinians lived on land pre-1948, before the creation of Israel.) Do they get to go back to their homeland and live where they used to live?

With the Ancient Civilizations teachers Mr. Hodosy and Mr. Shuman playing the role of UN moderators, the Summit saw passionate and, at times, heated debate. After three rounds, the countries voted on proposed solutions to the four questions.

Seven votes were needed to pass a resolution. The following was decided:
1. Nothing will change in Jerusalem as no resolution passed.
2. Saudi Arabia agreed to take in all refugees.
3. The borders of the West Bank will return to where they were before 1967.
4. Though the Saudis agreed to take in all refugees, the right of return was still granted to Palestinian refugees.