A breadth of capabilities, unwavering integrity, and an innate sense of empathy are

each admirable and lofty goals toward which we should all strive. Rarely, though,
can these qualities be found in such richness and abundance in one individual.

Most adjectives seem paltry attempts at capturing his spirit and character. “Caring,”
“polite,” “honorable,” “talented,” “humble,” and “just plain nice,” were a few among
many that were inadequately deployed in an effort to describe him. Others, though,
could only say “wow,” to his inspiring and extraordinary impact on our community.

We see him everywhere we turn—the sports fields, the community service
activities, the dormitories—and not merely as an active participant, but a true
architect and innovator, to say nothing of his effect on morale. To quote a faculty
member, “he doesn’t feel successful unless he is including others.”

We’re not sure which is more impressive—the things at which he excels (he’s a rare
talent on the basketball court) or the things at which he’s had little or no experience
but dives into anyway with infectious enthusiasm.

The anecdotes abound. He’s a leader in academic discussions. He represents the
school for the admissions office. He’s earned the adoration of the lower school
students. He’s a leading scorer and a second coach on the court. He counsels a
friend in need. All this is a part of his every day, but for all of us graced by his
presence, it is so much more than a simple routine.

It is for these reasons and many more that the Indian Mountain Community awards
Kaleb Mucius its highest honor: The Mountain Card.