A pensive mood fell over the students of Indian Mountain School as they shared a minute of silence in recognition of World Peace Day, September 21, 2010. Started in 1999, World Peace Day is a global effort for humanity calling for a worldwide day of ceasefire and non-violence.


Led by Maggie and Rachel, students of the IMS Diversity Committee, the students rallied around the IMS Peace Pole to recognize the importance of World Peace Day and the impact a community such as IMS can have on this movement. The Peace Pole, dedicated in April 2010, reads “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” Written in eight languages representing the diversity of our community, the plaque below it reads, “The Peace Pole reminds us to keep peace ever-present in our thoughts and to honor one another, our environment, plants, animals, and all creation on Earth.”


Rachel then reminded the students of the global implications of this day “To inaugurate the day, the ’Peace Bell,’ which was a gift from Japan and was made from coins donated by children from all continents, is rung at UN Headquarters. Inscribed on the bell is the saying, ‘Long live absolute world peace.’”


Additionally, in support of this day of peace, Indian Mountain School students played soccer. Soccer matches being held throughout the world commemorate the global commitment to humanity and non-violent action. In 2010, the Peace One Day movement has set the goal of holding soccer matches in all 192 United Nation member countries. Students of IMS, many from diverse backgrounds, rallied together on this day of peace and fellowship in hope of a brighter global future.