Having played Millbrook the previous Friday, Coach Sprague knew this match was going to provide another staunch challenge for her team, yet the Falcons were ready.  Coach Sprague indicated after the game, “We had been focused in practice and Coach Reiss and I felt good about our ladder.  Still, we were both ‘wowed’ by the performance of our athletes today.”  Indeed, IMS players rose to their coaches challenge and domminated the match against their high school competition.

All of the top seven IMS players won their matches, the top six winning in three straight games.  Coach Sprauge was delighted not only by the teams excellent play but also with their sportsmanship.  She commented, “Not only did our players play smart, adjusting well to their opponents’ strengths and weaknesses, but they also played fair and were courteous after each match.  Sure, it’s nice to put another notch in the win column but having a team that cares about the game and their opponents is priceless.” 

Heidi had the match of the day as she was once again paired with an evenly talented opponent.  Although she won her first game with room to spare, the Millbrook player was not about to roll over, and both players challenged each other as the lead went back and forth during each of the remaining games of the match.  Those players not at the top of the IMS ladder also took advantage of opportunities to compete as Joey, Avian, Gerard, and Morgan each won their respective matches while displaying strong skills and playing smart shots.

It was an outstanding and memorable victory for each Falcon athlete.

The team plays their next match against Berkshire School on Friday.  Go Falcons!