In conjunction with the “IMS Travels the World” theme, Grian MacGregor and the Ivy Vine Players brought world folk tales to life for the Lower School through the magic of puppetry. Grian has been a puppetress for 30 years sharing her talents with young and old alike in schools, hospitals, and charity events to name a few. It all began for her when, as the oldest of nine children, she started making toys and dolls for her siblings out of whatever was available. Today, she continues this tradition of making all of her puppets–so many she’s lost count but upwards of 75–from recycled products. Grandma is a portrait puppet of Grian’s own grandmother adorned with a sweater made from her Nana’s own garment.   

Also on display, a beautiful selection of molas Grian brought back from Panama.  These brightly colored, hand-stitched panels are sewn into garments, usually dresses, with themes ranging from Jonah and the whale to “mummy holders” to Pepsi bottles.  

This was Grian’s second performance on the Lower Campus in as many years.  Students and faculty alike enjoyed the hour-long presentation.