On November 1st, the IMS community was treated to a visit from Indian Mountain School Alumnus Austin Malleolo, a member of the Class of 2002. A renowned athlete and businessman in the world of CrossFit, Austin traveled to IMS to speak to our students about perseverance and the power of failure.

Austin reflected fondly on his time at IMS, including his days on the football field, in the ice rink, playing lacrosse, and playing guitar with Mr. Miles. From the time of graduation at IMS, Austin encountered turns and bumps in the road before finding CrossFit. Starting his fitness career as a personal trainer, Austin transformed his life, becoming a successful coach and CrossFit competitor. Austin now manages Reebok’s Boston headquarters and owns three additional CrossFit gyms. As an athlete, he has competed in the past seven CrossFit World Games, the highest level of the sport, and is considered one of the fittest people on earth.

While speaking, he emphasized the importance of not learning from your failures, but paying attention to what led you to a particular failure, and finding a path to better yourself. Austin’s message about his journey of trying, failing, and persevering resounded with his audience. A perfect example of having the “Courage to Climb,” Austin is proof that falling down does not matter as long as you get back up. In his own words, “show me a racecar driver who has never crashed and I’ll show you one who hasn’t won.”

Wish Austin luck as he continues to train in preparation for his eighth CrossFit World Games.