The avid participants in this summer’s Fast Start program are kicking the 2012-2013 academic school year into gear. Curriculum offerings include reading, writing, and mathematical support, organizational preparation, study skills enhancement, and Latin review. Our tutors for the two-week program represent a cross-section of the Indian Mountain faculty, each specializing in a particular subject area. Sarah Bonk and Raydin Neary are providing math support in skill-based groups. Megan Ham, Emily Page, and Juliana Pecchia are covering different levels of reading, writing, organizational, and study skills support. Kati Frisina is providing specific language training to improve students’ reading and spelling, and Jay Barillaro is offering Latin review. In between the two academic sessions, students get to enjoy the fresh summer air, whether out on the soccer field or on the playground. The participants and teachers are excited about the next two weeks, and look forward to entering the school year with a strong and fast start!