IMS science teacher Kitty Hickcox came home with several top awards in the annual Connecticut State Flower Show in Hartford, CT.  This is the second year in a row she has impressed the judges at the show. She won a blue ribbon with a Howarthia Coarctata that was started by retired master teacher Mike Brown and has lived in the IMS Green House for eight or ten years. She earned a blue ribbon and the Elizabeth Swain Propagation Award for an Echevaria “Zoro.” The Elizabeth Swain Award isn’t given out every year. The plant was raised from bud over the last 2.5 years in the IMS Green House. She also took home a blue in the cactus category for a plant known as “Green Idol” and a second place for a blooming begonia known as “Palomar Prince.”

Ms. Hickcox earned a second place in an artistic crafts category called “Afternoon Picnic.”  The entire picnic basket was covered in seaweed and then painted. The cherry pie was made out of hazelnuts and seaweed.

All plants have returned to their IMS home in the green house. Her award winners from last year’s show are still thriving there too.