Dozens of skaters and spectators turned out for the annual all school skating party on Sunday, January 26 at The Hotchkiss School. This community service fundraiser supports our sister school, The Moi Girls School in Kenya. This year we raised $650 in an afternoon while skating as an IMS community.
Many people helped to make this a successful event:
  • Mike Traggio and The Hotchkiss School for generously donating the ice time
  • Mrs. Page and Mr. Donovan for supporting our boarders
  • All of the faculty on duty that afternoon
  • Mrs. Tuncy for the fliers and email reminders to parents
  • Ms. Kane for taking pictures
  • All the students in community service for making posters and helping at the event
  • All of the parents and faculty who donated skates for our boarders
  • Special thanks to the Rosse family for their help in organizing over 50 pairs of skates so that our boarders could join us.

It was a wonderful afternoon, and we thank everyone who came out to enjoy skating, some for the first time.