On September 13, 2014, Indian Mountain’s boarding community journeyed to Six Flags New England, and although the weather was less than cooperative, the students enjoyed themselves immensely. “That was a pretty fun experience,” said Yolanda Cao ’16. “We all enjoyed the rides, despite the rain.”

Six Flags offered no shortage of entertaining amusements; thanks to the whirling thrill of the Crime Wave carousel and the stomach-churning Sky Screamer, the students were all smiles. “The ride I liked the best was Mind Eraser,” said Akil Smart ’16. “It was really fun and it has a lot of loops.” Given so many options, the students couldn’t come to a consensus regarding which aspect of the park was most captivating. “I like Flashback the best,” said Zoe Wade ’17. “Olivia, Sigrid and I love that roller coaster!” Though “fun” is a subjective term, as the afternoon wore on, there was some agreement on the subject of Six Flags’ most fearsome ride. “Bizzaro was pretty exciting,” offered Momoko Sato ’16. “At first, I thought that it was a little bit scary but actually it’s not. It was really fun and I like it.”
By midday, rain arrived and the temperature dropped, but the inclement weather did little to dampen the students’ spirits. “I was pretty cold, and three of us were under one really small umbrella,” said Angelia Li ’16, “so we still got pretty soaked. But we still had an amazing time.” Ultimately, the drizzle and the amusing diversions were of secondary importance to the IMS students. “I loved spending so much time with my friends,” said Olivia Zhou ’17, summing up the spirit of the day.
––Grace Liao ’17