On Friday night, April 5, Ronny Romm took the audience on an unforgettable journey into the human mind. He first held us spellbound with his amazing demonstration of ESP, and then with his hilarious use of hypnosis, making us wonder “How on earth does he do that?!?” Imagine watching your friend in a body building competition, speaking Martian, or becoming a prima ballerina or an army drill sergeant right before your eyes–we saw it firsthand! A few members of the audience recalled crying from laughing so hard, and some others commented “it was the funniest thing I have ever seen.”

The students can’t stop talking about it, urging us to please do it again next year. In the future, if you missed the show, be sure to join us next time. Thanks to Emily Page and the Residential Life Office for organizing this fantastically entertaining event for the IMS community.