VS Millbrook 3rds
WIN 7-0 (9-5)

The top 7 players (Max Jimenz, Tobey Smith, Riley Wood, Zach Tuke, Zach Wilkinson, Stevie Garofalo, and Jensen Hellmers all won their matches. Max beat his opponent 3-0 with steady and smart play. Tobey took a game to find his grove but once he refocused on his fast reactions and ability to watch his opponent, plan accordingly, and then strike he took the match 3-1.  Zack Tuke battled against his opponent winning the first game but then dropping the next two.  Zack Wilkinson never gave up, came back to win the fourth game resulting in a 2-2 tie and a need for a fifth game. Zack won that game 11-9 to take the match 5-3.

VS Dutchess Day School
WIN 7-0 (9-0)

All our players played a best of 5 series. Max Jimenez, Tobey Smith, Riley Wood, Zack Wilkinson, Stevie Garofalo, Maya Hart, Lillie Osborne, Julie Yang, and Kesi Cania all played extremely well.  Max Jimenez had to fight for his win.  While he won the first game 11-9 he dropped the next two (15-13, 11-7). Max came back to win the fourth game 11-5 and then took the fifth game 11-4 and won his match.