The harmonies and inspired dancing of Thula Sizwe brought joy and enlightenment to the students of Indian Mountain School. The eleven men of Thula Sizwe, who hail from South Africa, offered a new perspective on life and perseverance throughout their performance. These men sing of Africa, of hope, of reconciliation, and peace.


Led by Abel Dlamini, Thula Sizwe’s songs and dances are rooted in the Zulu traditions. These musical expressions have been passed down for generations within the Zulu culture. The men began their performance with traditional song and dance routines.


The group then transitioned to a set of song and dance renditions themed from the Zulu mining camp culture. These celebrated the history of the Zulu miners’ lives in the mining camps and how their ancestors endured the hazards and hardships associated with life in the mines. These delightful renditions were accompanied by spirited dancing, demonstrating obvious joy. The performance ended with a heartfelt rendition of the South African national anthem, performed in six different languages, the pride of their nation evident on the face of the men of Thula Sizwe.


Between performances, Thula Sizwe associate John Farrell played an inspirational song he had written, accompanied by a video image demonstration. Throughout his song he regularly referenced the idea that “If I wasn’t me, I could be…” as the images flashed on the screen depicting people of the world enduring hardship, those less fortunate than the people of the United States. Thula Sizwe and Mr. Farrell offered a perspective to the students of what life could be like, prompting reflection on how fortunate we are here at IMS.