Each year, our sixth grade takes a deep dive into the world of Ancient Rome. With Mr. Sturm at the helm of the class, they learn the history, language, and culture of the Romans. As is often the case with our middle school teachers, Mr. Sturm takes it upon himself to end the study with as engaging a project as possible. In this particular instance, the sixth grade hosts a toga party and a Roman banquet.
What makes this event unique is the creative and open approach taken with the creation of the togas and the meal itself. First, students are encouraged to style themselves and their togas in any way that they choose, incorporating what they have learned about Roman dress. As such, there is usually a mixture of bedsheets, authentic togas, and even some historically accurate hair-dos. The food is the other focus of the event and is prepared by our incredible Sage Dining Service to be culturally and historically accurate. Figs, cheeses, bread, oils, chicken, and pork are all present and perfectly prepared. The kids dig in, using their hands and spoons only since forks were not commonly used in Roman times. The photos tell the rest of the story!